ilona@ilonahendriks.nl +31621281936

I can paint an ABSTRACT or FIGURATIVE inspired and guided by your wishes or thoughts in any size, color and style, all with my own personalized “touch”.

I can also produce a PORTRAIT based on your picture. In this case a “get to know each other” would be great, to match your personality in the best possible way and catch your soul on canvas.

Important to know that all will be discussed together and I can take you by the hand with a visualization of your room or wall.
Looking forward to your demand & NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.

My atelier is based in Tilburg and you are more than welcome to pass by- I will also try to pass by at your home for a personal get to know each other if possible ( due to distance).

Hereby some examples of paintings in commission
“PLACES TO GO ” is mede mogelijk gemaakt door steun van: ”Supervisie Praktijk Ankie Roedelof”.
© 2023 Ilona Hendriks
Website ontwikkeld door: &Network.
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